InCRY MagazinebyfrnkflwrsWords in a Jar Held Close to the LightA dream whispered to the sky in secretOct 5, 20214Oct 5, 20214
InRainbow SaladbyfrnkflwrsWhat is Poetry?Dancing in the sky with your mind wide openSep 27, 20212Sep 27, 20212
InCRY MagazinebyfrnkflwrsCall me Icarus from the FutureI left my wings of wax at homeAug 28, 20211Aug 28, 20211
InCRY MagazinebyfrnkflwrsAre we Always Waking?Each new day begins with a breathSep 11, 20213Sep 11, 20213
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyfrnkflwrsWhy I Quit My JobWorking freelance for a friendSep 9, 20211Sep 9, 20211
InRainbow SaladbyfrnkflwrsStormshine and Crystal SkiesThirsty roots and frozen sunshine meltingSep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021
InCounter ArtsbyfrnkflwrsCurious like a CatHunting a hunter in a land they call homeSep 5, 20212Sep 5, 20212
InGreener TogetherbyfrnkflwrsApologies to Future GenerationsWhy I’m stuck burning carbon.Aug 31, 2021Aug 31, 2021
InScritturabyfrnkflwrsUndeleted Text v.1A randomized poem of uncertain wordsAug 26, 20215Aug 26, 20215
frnkflwrsThe Fragility of Eggshell PoliticsHope, dreams, and the struggle for a better worldAug 24, 20216Aug 24, 20216
InRainbow SaladbyfrnkflwrsInventions, interventions, and failures in modern political thought (a poem)Patterns of thought and effort. Of love and emotion. We find ourselves surfing; riding waves generated by past faults fractured along our…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
frnkflwrsI’m No JournalistI’m no journalist, but I cough like one. Or cough like one if one had a cough. Blame the smoking. Blame the wildfires. Now the doctors want…Aug 18, 20219Aug 18, 20219